Budapest, 2010. április 8. Veszélyben az új Ptk.- Alkotmánybírósághoz fordul a májusi hatálybalépés érdekében több jogvédő és fogyatékosságügyi szervezet
The new Civil Code at risk - Human rights and disability organisations submit a petition to the Constitutional Court of Hungary in favor of ensuring that the new Code enters into force in May (English version of the full text will be available soon).
9 jogvédő és fogyatékosságügyi szervezet fordul az Alkotmánybírósághoz az új Polgári Törvénykönyv (Ptk.) hatályba lépéséről szóló törvénnyel (Ptké.) kapcsolatban.
1 April 2010. Today MDAC launched a one-year initiative in which it will seek to provide guidance to governments and NGOs on the effective implementation of Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the provision which focuses on domestic implementation of the Convention.
5 March 2010 Moscow (Russia) and Budapest (Hungary). Yesterday the Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) and the NGO "Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia" hosted a round table event in Moscow, Russia. The purpose was to strengthen civil society's understanding of the right to legal capacity, and to strategize on how to engage the authorities in law reform.
24 February 2010. Budapest (Hungary) and Prague (Czech Republic). A coalition of international civil society organisations urges the Czech Constitutional Court to strike down laws which deny more than 25,000 adults with disabilities their right to vote.
11 February 2010, Budapest: The second edition of MDAC's newsletter is now available, read it here!
10 February 2010, Budapest: Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights raises serious concerns about the rights of children with disabilities in Bulgaria to live in the community and their right to education.
3 December 2009, Budapest, Hungary. MDAC congratulates its Senior Advocacy Officer, Gabor Gombos, who was today awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary in recognition of his work in the field of human rights of persons with disabilities.
A former theoretical physicist and survivor of psychiatry, Gabor has become a world-renowned advocate for the rights of persons with psycho-social (mental health) disabilities. At MDAC, Gabor takes part in international and domestic level advocacy, and has been one of the key actors in developing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and ensuring its implementation in Hungary.
20 November 2009. On today's 20th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) urges governments not to cut back on human rights-compliant services for children with disabilities.
11 November 2009. It is twenty years since the fall of the Berlin wall, and the collapse of socialist systems in Europe. The first case heard by the European Court of Human Rights since this anniversary deals with a situation which has changed little in the past twenty years: the segregation of hundreds of thousands of people labelled with intellectual disabilities, mental health problems and other types of disabilities.