Indicator 2(F): Does the government manage its budget in a way which advances the right of people with disabilities to live in the community?


No. The Hungarian government continues to spend significantly more money on institutions than on supporting people to live independently in the community.


Government funding for the maintenance of institutions is almost double the amount spent on day care services for people with intellectual disabilities and almost triple the amount spent on day care for people with mental health issues.[70] Since 1998 when the government set deinstitutionalisation as a priority, the government has spent 23 billion HUF (approximately 80 million EUR) on renovating and building new institutions which continue to segregate people with disabilities from the community.[71]

Between 1998 and 2006 the Government spent 14 billion HUF (approximately 49 million EUR) on refurbishing institutions from the central budget.[72] A further 214 million HUF (approximately 750,000 EUR) was spent on refurbishing institutions from European Union structural funds since 2008.[73] A deinstitutionalisation tender[74] issued at the beginning of 2012 resulted in a further 6 billion HUF (approximately 20 million EUR) being allocated for moving persons with mental disabilities out of large institutions into living centers, group homes and apartments (see Glossary).[75]




[70] Act CLXXXVIII of 2011 on the Budget of 2012.

[71] Hand in Hand Association (ed.), Expert Material for the Reform of Residential Institutions, (Budapest: Hand in Hand Association, 2008).

[72] Társaság a Szabadságjogokért, Csak a tények: mire költjük az EU pénzét? - 1.rész (Only the facts: what do we spend EU funding on? – Part 1), available at (last accessed: 25 August 2014).

[73] TIOP 3.4.2-08/1 Bentlakásos intézmények korszerűsítése (Refurbishment of residential institutions) available at (last accessed: 23 September 2014).

[74] TIOP 3.4.1.A-11/1 Bentlakásos intézmények kiváltása (Deinstitutionalisation) available at accessed: 23 September 2014).

[75] The funding comes from two sources: the EU Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Hungarian state budget. 


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