Indicator 1(C): Are there limits or a moratorium on new admissions to institutions?




There is no limit on new admissions to Hungary’s numerous residential institutions. When a resident dies or leaves, the bed is filled by someone else. In some institutions the waiting list is 5 or 6 years long.[20] Government services to people with mental disabilities, including institutions, are founded on a paternalistic notion of ‘needs’, rather than reflecting a rights-based approach. Habilitation, rehabilitation and other services for people with disabilities are focused inside institutions, with the ongoing demand for new admissions reflecting a failure to develop community-based services.




[20] Tamás Gyulavári, Zsolt Bugarszki, Nóra Jakab, Vanda Katona, Fundamental Rights situation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities: desk report Hungary, 9.


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