Indicator 1(D): Does the law respect the choices of people with disabilities about where and with whom they live and which services they receive?


No. Of all European countries which strip people with disabilities of their right to make choices in their lives, Hungary comes in at number one place.[21]


The right to choose one’s residence is guaranteed by the Hungarian Constitution,[22] and by the CRPD. However, this right is denied to people placed under guardianship.[23] More than 55,000 people are placed under guardianship in Hungary, a higher per capita rate than any other country in Europe.[24] Many people with mental disabilities are placed in institutions because a guardian has placed them there. 92% of people with intellectual disabilities living in institutions were under guardianship the year after Hungary ratified the CRPD,[25] and this proportion has remained unchanged to date.




[21] Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Legal Capacity in Europe, (Budapest: MDAC, 2013), 22, available at: (last accessed: 23 September 2014).

[22] Article XXVII of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, 25 April 2011.

[23] Where a person is placed under plenary guardianship, the guardian has the power to decide where they live. Where a person is placed under partial guardianship, the person concerned can only make decisions with the approval of their guardian. Sections 2:20 (1) and 2:22 (1) of the Civil Code of 2013.

[24] Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Legal Capacity in Europe, 54-55.

[25] Tamás Verdes, Marcell Tóth, A per tárgya, Gondnokság alá helyezett személyek társadalmi kirekesztődésének mozgásformái a rendszerváltás utáni Magyarországon, 81. 


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